How To Share Pictures With Family Or Friends
Once you have sync'ed with the FotoTime website, you share pictures by using the "E-Mail Invites" feature on the FotoTime website. To send an invite, you should:
- Make sure you have sync'ed your account.
- Press the "View Web" button in FotoAlbum (this will use your default web browser to log you into your FotoTime website account)
- Click on the "E-Mail Invites" button on the left-hand side of the web page.
- Enter the e-mail addresses (and optionally the names) of the people you wish to invite.
- Choose any options (such as access to private pictures).
- Type a message you wish for guests to see (in the e-mail).
- Hit the "Send" button.
Everyone in the invite list will get an e-mail that invites them to view the pictures you specified. You can later revoke the invite or view how many times they have used the invite by using the "Invite History" feature on the website.